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Monastery products
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Ribnica Monastery
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
God Helps. Christ is among us.
We, the monks of the Monastery of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, took a vow of monastic life and renunciation of all material things and treasures. Our life is dedicated to our God Jesus Christ, whom we constantly pray for in your name and for the salvation of the whole world.
When we started rebuilding the monastery a few years ago, by God's will, a large number of God-loving Christians came forward and selflessly helped us. Believing with all our hearts in our Lord and His Blessed Mother and all the saints, together we managed to rebuild the monastery.
Your donations and financial support are of great help to us. To everyone who helped us and will help us, we sincerely and from the bottom of our hearts thank you.
May the Lord and our God Jesus Christ bless you and your family.